Brig. G.S.N. Gostling

Brigadier Guy Gostling Roy
Toronto Scottish Regiment
10th & 6th Infantry Brigade

We must look to the future. Already we have hovercraft which travel over land and water riding on a cushion of air; rocket harness for individual propulsion of foot soldiers over obstacles; reconnaissance “scopes” that see targets in the darkness; improved management and control techniques.

 All these things call for modernization of the armed forces set-up. Canada with its small armed forces is in an ideal position to do thus.

 (quoted in Toronto Star, 8 March 1967, 6)

Born on 13 August 1901 in Dorset, England, Guy Standish Noakes Gostling was a Toronto corporate executive, University of Toronto graduate, and in his youth a champion wrestler and tennis player. He moved to Canada in 1922, and worked in Winnipeg, where he joined the Grenadier regiment. He mobilized with the Royal Regiment of Canada in Toronto, serving overseas in Iceland and England.

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