Lt-Col. C.C. Thompson

Lieutenant-Colonel C.C. Thompson
Toronto Scottish Regiment

This might be the wrong time or place to mention it, but Chris Thompson is a bachelor, the only unmarried commander in the Toronto area. It’s not the wrong time to mention that he now passes up a pension from the last war to risk his neck in this one. He thinks this one will be fun, too.

(Toronto Star, 24 October 1939, 4)

Born on 7 March 1894 in Toronto, Christopher Craig Thompson was a University of Toronto graduate, bond broker, First World War veteran, and commanding officer of the Toronto Scottish since February 1939. He served as a lieutenant with the 124th Battalion and was wounded at Passchendaele. “If they ever offer prizes for military Jack-of-all-trades,” the Toronto Star wrote on the outbreak of war in 1939, “Chris Thompson … ought to win one.” Continue reading